Raheema (P-ISSN: 2502-812X and E-ISSN: 2502-8111) is a scientific journal Gender and Children, published by the Center for the Study of Gender and Children (PSGA) Institute for Research and Services In the Community (LP2M) State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak. This journal contains the works of authors and researchers who have competence in their skills. A vision of the journal Raheema is: Realizing the scientific community who have vision, knowledge, awareness, and concern about Gender and Children. While the mission of the journal Raheema is: First, Being the Information Center and the study of science on Gender and Children for all academics and the general public. Second, Making Media Journal Raheema as scientific publications Gender and Child-quality, innovative and competitive locally, nationally, and internationally. Third, to accommodate, to develop the knowledge, insight, and ideas of the author and researcher in the field of Gender and Children. Raheema journal is published twice a year, namely in June and December
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Vol 11, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Yuli Andriani, Juliwis Kardi, Mega Cahaya Dwi Lestari
Cherysa Cherysa, Laili Laili Ramadani, Sri Intan Wahyuni
Mardiwi Mardiwi, Julis Kardi, Mega Cahya Dwi Lestari
Kamal Wati