Khatulistiwa ISSN 1412-5781 (print) and ISSN 2502-8499 (online) Published by The Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) of Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Pontianak). The Journal provides opportunities for scholars to submit scientific papers in the field of Islamic religious studies which will be published online. The internet connection will add to the richness of information and scientific knowledge derived mainly from research. The Journal is published twice a year, well documented in the form of books, which include a variety of scientific papers by writers of various backgrounds. In addition, we also have partners from overseas who will review each article before publication. Each article or scientific paper published in this Journal will definitely be useful to all visitors and readers. Review processing started to be online in 2018 by using available tolls provided by the Open Journal System. Reviewers may choose to use Review Form provided by the OJS or doing review process on the manuscript using Tracking Changes menu provided by Microsoft Word. KHATULISTIWA: Journal of Islamic Studies welcome papers from academician on theories, philoshopy, conceptual paradigms, academic research, as wel as religion practices, in particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited; Islamic education, Islamic Law, Islamic Economic and Business, Qur’anic and Hadist Studies, Islamic Though and Literature, Islamic Peace, Science & Civilization in Islam and Islam in Local/nation, Islam and Gender Study. The regular issues include March and September editions each year. The journal is concerned to publish research-based articles in the area of Islamic studies. Researchers, writers, academicians, practitioners and all prospective contributors are invited to contribute to the journal publication. Contributions in English should be typed double-spaced and should contain 3.000-8.000 words. The citation should follow APA style. Use Endnote or Mendeley of reference management recommended.
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Vol 14, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Luqman Abdul Jabbar
Statistics: 862 view, 338 download
Abdul Mukti, Ridwan Rosdiawan, Supyati Supyati, S. Ag.
Statistics: 549 view, 234 download
Yulia Yulia, Nurma Sari, Evi Khadijah Luthfi Fuadah, Husnee Che Wae, Abdul Kadir Jailani
Statistics: 532 view, 221 download
Sopian Lubis, Wiwin Windiana
Statistics: 33 view, 29 download