The results of the analysis note that the mother in the poem is interpreted as a person who is Merciful, Attention, Calm, Understanding, Helper, Hero, Smart, Clever to Explain Something, Good Listener, Joyful and Joyful, Smart Cooking, Skilled, Sources of Science, Inspirational, Special, Good Friends, Democracy (not curbing and giving trust), and Mother who also likes to nag. Based on the study of Semantic meaning in poetry when I read the book, there are more types of words used are nouns, namely 23 words, 16 verbs, and 2 adjectives, and the use of particle words totaling 6 words, 5 pronouns and 1 onomatopoeia and there are 19 lexical meanings, 18 referential meanings, 6 grammatical meanings, and 3 words meaning kias. Overall, the poem entitled When I Read a Book means the importance of reading books and inspiring figures of mothers for children. This paper can be used as consideration for parents providing guidance on writing poetry and literacy in the family environment.
Keywords: Meaning, Poetry, Mother, and Child
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24260/raheema.v7i2.1724
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