progress in the field of trade and investment. Here in this port, encounters occurred between
Arabs, Persians and Indians as well as between the religions of Christianity, Judaism, Majus
and Islam. The closeness between Basra and the Gandisabur school in Persia that studied the
Persian, Greek, and Indian culture has generated a mix of culture as a whole. During the
period of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, translation works on medical books were carried out by
Masir Haubah. The same thing was also undertaken by Abdullah al-Muqaffa’ who was fluent
in Arabic and Persian. He translated books on the Persian literature and history into Arabic.
From the son of Abdullah al-Muqaffa, Muhammad, the Arabic translation of Aristotle’s
science of logic Kalilah wa Dimnah was produced. There was also a Jewish translator
named Hunain Ibn Ishaq, who translated books and got rewards in the form of gold for each
weight of books he translated. In Basra, there was a school of Mu'tazilah that learnt the Greek
sciences. This strongly affected the school of sciences he learnt such as the science of kalam
and nahwu in terms of taqsim, ta’lil, ta’wil dan qiyas.
Full Text:
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