This paper will review the phenomenon of globalization that has an impact on character education. It is characterized by easy access to information without distance, between one country and another with only seconds and minutes that information can be easily obtained, on the other hand supported by the rapid technology increasingly burdensome which certainly greatly helps human life, then the emergence of quite serious problems, crime, sexual harassment, crisis of trust, corruption and many more new globalized triggers and even students who dare to persecute their teacher to die, the negative impact of degrading values religious values and tend to make this nation a character crisis. The solution is to re-instill Islamic values as a character, starting from an early age by instilling multicultural values, caring for the environment, nationalism, democracy, honesty through a religious approach to realize the harmony of life. The output of the cultivation of Islamic values is expected to be able to make Indonesian people intelligently comprehensive and competitive Spiritual Smart Self-actualization through the heart to grow and strengthen the faith, piety and noble character including noble character and superior personality. Emotional and social smart self-actualization through a sense of sensitivity to increase sensitivity and appreciation, self-actualization through social interaction that fosters and fosters mutual relations, democratic, empathetic and sympathetic upholding human rights, intellectual intelligence: self-actualization through thinking to acquire competencies and independence in science and smart kinesthetic: self-actualizing through sports to create a healthy, fit, empowered, alert, skilled person.
Globalization, Character Crisis and Character Education