Cognitive human potential from through experiences, learning and the process of interaction and the almighty. Knowledge and experience forming personality can be according to life’s need. The purpose of education is not only cognitive capacity building, but also attitude and moral learning. Paradigm this paper will dicuss the development of social media adab material into the curriculum 2013. Adab is moral consideration, in acting on the basis of consideration of rules, rules and norms apply. Having an awareness that everything ini this world has been arranged by the Creator. So, in acting able to be fair to all even creatures that are though not liked. The social sphere in the curriculum 2013 based on Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 21 of 2016 about Content Standards for Primary core competencies for learning from elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP) and high school and vocational (high school/vocational) which programs for strength social interaction behavior, such as; disciplined, confident, honest, responsif, pro-active, caring (mutual cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace) polite and responsible. Social media is a means of social intercourse online in cyberspace. The users of social media communication interact with send messages, share (networking). The author on this paper offers an arrangement of teaching materials for curriculum in 2013 for integrating social media through the MUI Fatwa number 24 of 2017 about laws and gudelines on social Media as the source of teaching material.
Keywords : Adab, Social Media, Curriculum 2013
Keywords : Adab, Social Media, Curriculum 2013