Autor(s): Ria Hayatunnur Taqwa, Barriyati Barriyati, Prenki Hartono
DOI: 10.24260/khatulistiwa.v13i2.2754


Resilience in psychology can be interpreted as resilience, and the word resilience according to Luthans is in the ability of the individual to persevere, and bounce back from a difficult situation to recover happiness after encountering an unpleasant situation or condition. Resilience is suspected to be visible when a person encounters a difficult experience, and knows how to face or adapt. The resilience of Chinese converts is still an interesting theme to be further studied regarding religious conversion by Chinese in subsequent studies. This is because religious conversion will affect the personality of Chinese converts after converting to Islam. In addition, the response of Chinese converts who make social rejection of other family members who choose Islam as their new religion can also be used as a further research study. Guidance and guidance to Chinese converts is not just limited to akidah, can pray, read the Quran, but psychologically it is necessary for a companion who has the ability to relieve the anxiety of Chinese converts and help them become kaffah Muslims. Coaching and mentoring are not limited, or limited to conversion time, but it is necessary to build relationships on an ongoing basis so that the behavior of Chinese converts can be a link for the creation of a multicultural community order in Pontianak City as a further research study.


Resilience, , Religious, People, Chinese

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